Kuroko's Basketball" anime revolves around the Seirin High School basketball team, which aims to become the best in Japan. The story follows the team's journey as they compete against various strong opponents and face challenges on and off the court.
A Cultural Phenomenon in Japan
Kuroko no Basket quickly became a cultural phenomenon in Japan, with its popularity extending to anime, manga, and merchandise. The series' success led to the creation of several spin-offs and video games, solidifying its place in Japanese pop culture.
The Impact on Basketball Culture
The series has significantly impacted basketball culture in Japan, inspiring many young people to take up the sport. Its popularity has also helped to raise awareness of basketball as a popular and exciting sport in the country.
TV Content
The movie “Shadow and Light” was released earlier this year
Since 2022, the anime series has been streamed on the channel until early 2024 and is also available on ST GO App.
The movie “Beyond The Tears” will soon be released on the channel.